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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium(2024-001)—Parametrizations of algebraic structures

Posted: 2023-12-29   Views: 

Title:Parametrizations of algebraic structures

Reporter:Loic Foissy

Work Unit:Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO), Calais, France

Time:Jan.11, 2024 20:00-22:00

Address:ZOOM Id:904 645 6677,Password:2023

Summary of the report:

In the last few years, several generalizations of classical objects (associative, dendriform, pre-Lie, Rota-Baxter algebras and others) appear in the literature. In each case, each product is replaced by a family of products indexed by a set (matching objects) or by a semigroup (family objects), with axioms mimicking the classical one in such a way that, loosely speaking, the underlying combinatorics is conserved.

We shall give a way to include all these generalizations in a same frame. This will make appear algebraic structures on the set used for the parametrization, such as extended (di)-associative semigroups, which are (di)-associative semigroups with extra products.

This is a joint work with Dominique Manchon, Xiao-Song Peng and Yuanyuan Zhang.

Introduction of the Reporter:

Loic Foissy is a professor at the University of the Littoral Cote d’Opale, France. His research domain is Algebraic Combinatorics. More precisely, He works on combinatorial Hopf algebras, operads and their applications.
